time really flies...i'm still have no idea on what should i do with my life.
is it really true that my destiny is to be with my ex-company forever and ever? the door is now open....i know it is a one way door back to the old routine. i wouldn't go to the extreme to say that is a nightmare back there but it does comes with sweet memories which i cherish through my years there.
job hunting is not easy especially if you wanna start over. i'm not saying totally start over...it's just to explore the other fields of accounting. it is the same as the information technology (IT) field...lots of branches from there from networking to programming. i'm not like jumping from accounting to marketing, that's for sure. but potential employers thinks that once i've started as a tax personnel....i shall die as a tax personnel. i don't really blame them. time is money. why bother to train someone for the job where they can find someone who knows what to do for the job?
another sad part is that my heart is not truly with accounting. i always believe that one can perform well in things that he/she dislike but not truly successful in it. in other words, you can't be a millionaire in doing things you dislike. does anybody agree with me?
for the most common reason, it's easy to find a job with an accounting degree, no doubt about it. i'm not fretting that i don't get a job, it's just that i don't think i like my job. i really think that it's my personal problem...one of the reason i quit my job.
queen mother is not happy. i guess she's tired that i haven't found a job yet. there goes her words "money is everything". on and on it goes....like a broken record. "look how old you are now...what have you achieved so far?'" she said. "i have achieved confusion now!". i said in my heart.
i really need to do something. at least out from where i am now. eventhough it's just 1mm away from where i'm standing now.
"Can anyone please give me a sign?"